What I Do
I am building cloud-native solutions, backend applications, and microservices. I'll help you understand not just how but why I build your project in a particular way.
My strategic focus is Golang and Open Source technologies, but I am not limited to them. I'll put the right technologies on your radar and make sure you get the advantage.
Web Development
I can ship web applications that work on any device by using the latest web technologies: React, Redux, TypeScript and FlowType.
Backend Development
I can build RESTful APIs and high-available microservices that scale into the future. I are experts in Golang, C# and .NET.
Cloud Operations
By leveraging state-of-the-art open source configuration management tools, I aim to reduce human error in the deployment process. I can help you ship your project effortlessly by coninous delivery with tools such as Concourse, Docker, Ansible, Terraform and BOSH.
Digital Transformation
I am geared to give you an overarching idea of how an automated workflow can bring new efficiency to your business. I can teach you the best ways to modernize your business process. I'll consult and train organisation to use TDD, XP and Cloud Foundry